Privacy Policy

DIN-ECO Training Platform

Privacy Policy



This Privacy Statement sets out the framework in which the DIN-ECO training platform uses and protects the information provided. We value your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal data. This Privacy Statement explains how we collect, transfer, process, use and disclose your data and sets out our security practices as well as information about what the platform users should do if they don’t wish the collection or further processing of their personal information during their visit to the website. By providing personal information, you agree and consent to their collection, transfer, processing, use and disclosure as described in this Privacy Statement, in accordance with the Law. These privacy policies may be reviewed and updated at any time without notice. Users are kindly requested to check these terms at regular intervals for any changes, as the continued use of the website implies that they accept all possible modifications thereto.


The DIN-ECO Project’s Consortium collects, maintains and processes the data of the website in a way that ensures their protection. The processing of personal and non-personal data is carried out exclusively by authorised personnel or associates or by partners who are bound with the same obligations regarding personal and non-personal data protection, and all appropriate organisational and technical measures for the security of data and its protection against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access, and any other form of unlawful processing, are implemented.

Although we make every effort to ensure the smooth operation of the network infrastructure, it is no guaranteed that the operation of this website or its servers will be unimpeded or unmistakable, free from viruses or other similar problems. We are doing our best to keep your information secure and we take protective measures to prevent the loss, misuse, or modification of your data. However, since no protection system, data transmission or data transfer system over the internet can provide 100% security, the DIN-ECO consortium does not guarantee the security of its servers or the security of the infrastructure through which data is transmitted from the users’ personal computer to DIN-ECO’s servers or the security of any information received either by DIN-ECO or any other third party through this website.

Collection, processing, and protection of personal data

Ordinary users can visit the platform without providing any personal information. However, registration on the platform requires the provision of information, data or personal data, such as name and e-mail address, as well as the use of cookies. That information is used for the identification of the person of the account and the support of the website’s purpose, as defined by Law.

The platform will only collect users’ personal data when they themselves provide it voluntarily for the purpose of accessing the website. When registering on the platform, users’ consent is required in the collection, use and transmission of their personal data under the terms of this privacy policy.

When registering in the platform, the user is asked to fill in the following fields:

  1. General info
  2. Social Media profile links
  3. Work Experience
  4. Biography
  5. Profile Photo
  6. Export Data (copy of the user’s personal data that is sent via email)

The DIN-ECO Project’s Consortium may disclose the above personal information to computer support and web support companies. The registration of the users’ data when registering on the website, implies their consent to the collection, use and transmission of their personal data under the terms of this privacy policy and the Law.

The user will accept and consent that DIN-ECO, under the terms of the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 679/2016, will keep a file and process his/her personal data collected through the website, in order for the user to access the provided electronic applications, and to support and execute the relationship between the user and the website, for statistical or general purposes or for the fulfilment of the mission of the DIN-ECO training platform, in accordance with the Law.

Except of the aforementioned use of users’ data and unless expressly required by Law, DIN-ECO will not transmit, disseminate or otherwise disclose any information provided by the users without their consent or explicit order.

The DIN-ECO training platform is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 679/2016. Specifically, personal data are subject to legal processing in a transparent manner. The data are collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and are not processed incompatibly with the original purposes. Further processing may only occur for the purposes of archiving or improving the website or for statistical purposes. The data that are being processed are appropriate, relevant and limited to the necessary for the purposes for which they were originally collected. The data are kept in a format that allows the identification of individuals only for the period required by Law. At the same time, users have the rights of access, correction, deletion, restriction or objection, as provided by the regulation.

To exercise those rights, each user will be able to contact the website at the following email address:

The collection and processing of data and information provided on this website is conducted exclusively for statistical purposes and to serve the role of the DIN-ECO training platform, keeping the data and information CONFIDENTIAL, accessible only to certified and authorised personnel, which has been entrusted with the collection and processing and is bound by explicit confidentiality obligations and by a confidentiality protocol.

Browse Statistics

In some cases, technical information that is not personally identifiable may be collected automatically (e.g., not through registration) when a user visits or uses the website. Examples of this type of information that can be collected are the type of web browser or the type of computer operating system used by the user to visit the website, as well as the domain name of the website used by the user in order to connect to the platform.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each user’s computer and do not take knowledge of any document or file from his computer, nor do they lead to the identification of his computer with any person. They are used to facilitate user’s access to specific services and/or pages of the website for statistical purposes and to determine which sections are useful or popular.

When using the website, personal and non-personal identifiers of the users may be collected, using corresponding technologies, such as cookies and/or tracking of protocol addresses and other similar technologies, as they result from the communication of the web browser with the server.

Non-personal information may also include the type of web browser the user is using, the type of computer, the operating system, the ISP, and other relevant information.

In any case, the user of the platform must be explicitly able during the navigation and browsing of the web (web browser) to either allow the use of “cookies” or to not accept the use of “cookies”. In case the user/visitor of the specific services and pages does not wish to use “cookies” for his identification, he may have limited access to some of the services, uses or functions provided by the website.

More information about the general use of cookies, as well as the methods of excluding or restrictingthem, can be found on the websites: and

Field of application

This policy only applies to the DIN-ECO training platform. This policy does not apply to information collected through any other website or to company practices that we do not control. Please note that the DIN-ECO training platform may contain links to other websites. In case you are redirected to third party websites through special links (links, hyperlinks, banners, etc.), we are not responsible for the terms of management and protection of personal data that they follow and we strongly recommend that you read the privacy policy of each site you are visiting.